The Architecture of Emotions, 2017

At the beginning of 2017, together with the release of my publication Cityscapes - The Dream of Modernity, I felt the need to communicate my vision further and to start venturing into the moving image. The Architecture of Emotions is a short film about my artistic practice, which was developed with the direction of Laura Di Nitto and the cinematography of Faraz Alam.

Film duration 4:42 / English sound and Italian subtitles

Presentations and Screening

The opening of my exhibition at the Italian Institute of Culture in Prague on 9 March 2017, with Giovanni Sciola, Director of IIC Czech Republic and Laura Di Nitto, Director of the film.


Technical Specifications

Video Format: High Definition
Audio Formats: Stereo with narrating voice in English with Italian subtitles
Running time: 4m 42s

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